V-S-T Victim-Survivor-THRIVER

Goldstar Mom - Julia Conover Finding Purpose in loss

Season 1 Episode 27

In this episode Julia Conover shares about becoming a Gold Star mom, a title no parent would ever choose, when her son LCpl Brandon Dewey USMC was killed serving in Iraq. As one can imagine she was angry with God and heartbroken. She walked through the pain with courage and grace, finding purpose again being an advocate for other Gold Star families and veterans.

Take Aways:

  • Say the Fallen's name so the don't fall twice.
  • Discovering purpose is healing.
  • Things happen for a reason.
  • Brandon's sister chose to finish what Brandon started.
  • Troops are deployed all over the world, all the time.


  • Listen to Julia's V-S-T Soundtrack HERE. 
  • American Gold Star Mothers, more information HERE. 
  • Wreathes Across America, more information HERE. 
  • Friends of the Military, more information HERE. 
  • Woody Williams Foundation, more information HERE.
  • Email me to connect share what is on your heart -  zanna.thrivetribe@gmail.com
  • Connect with me to learn more about the THRIVER TRIBE RETREAT HERE.


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