V-S-T Victim-Survivor-THRIVER

Thriver Tribe Retreat - Heartfelt Take Aways

Zanna Wolfgang Season 1 Episode 17

In this episode Zanna and the ladies who attended the first Thriver Tribe Retreat share heartfelt reflections of a life changing weekend learning, laughing, reflecting, growing and more together.  Stefanie, Jess, Maranda, Cori, Maria and Laina all have take aways to share. Listen to all of them to laugh, maybe cry, and consider what is possible in your life too.

Thriver Tribe Retreat:

The weekend retreat was everything I could hope for! At the very least I hoped it would be a rejuvenating, meaningful experience but I hoped it would be that and life changing.  I want to create a ripple effect so we can help not only ourselves, but others to THRIVE too! -Zanna

Thriver Tribe Women's Retreat is an opportunity to reflect, grow, get clear, relax and celebrate where you have been, where you are and where you are going! Together we will work on being our best self so we can THRIVE in life and love. Thursday and Sunday will be travel days. We will kick off Thursday evening with a Pajamas & Bubbles fireside celebration!  Food and cozy accommodations are included. Expect an intimate experience with 6-10 other women who are all ready to get out of their comfort zone and THRIVE. Montana is my home and God's Country. A place to heal, grow and be inspired under the BIG SKY!!! Come experience the MAGIC and open up to all that is POSSIBLE. 

Theme Song! I LIVED - Listen HERE to be INSPIRED!!!


  • Learn more about Thriver Tribe Retreats and more - subscribe HERE.
  • Serenity Yoga and Meditation  HERE. Thank you Jess.
  • Mastry App - Breathwork HERE. Belief - Thank you Mastry
  • His Needs Her Needs Book HERE.
  • Amala Detox - provide all of our yummy teas. Check them out HERE. Thank you Laina.


Support the show

I am so excited to grow our Thrive Tribe, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode and share with anyone who wants to THRIVE with us! Together, our TRIBE will seek the magic in the messy so we can all THRIVE. Cheers to learning, growing, laughing, crying, loving, CHOOSING to live our best lives and celebrating every tiny victory!

Thank you for helping us make an impact! Help us keep sharing the light and heavy of life and love so we can all THRIVE! Support HERE.

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